Spencer Elden, "Nevermind" – Nirvana

Peter Rowen, "War" - U2

Justine Ferrara, "Korn" - Korn

Carl Gellert, "A Boy Named Goo" – Goo Goo Doll

Billie Jo Campbell, "Violent Femmes" – Violent Femmes

Nicole Fiorentino, "Siamese Dream" – The Smashing Pumpkins

Peter Rowen, "War" - U2
Justine Ferrara, "Korn" - Korn
Carl Gellert, "A Boy Named Goo" – Goo Goo Doll
Billie Jo Campbell, "Violent Femmes" – Violent Femmes
Nicole Fiorentino, "Siamese Dream" – The Smashing Pumpkins
Fonte: Crianças: veja como cresceram as de "Nevermind", "War" e outras http://whiplash.net/materias/curiosidades/142160-nirvana.html?linkor=dynlat#ixzz2VFV6qZ97